What diet plan can aid in fulfilling the New Year resolution 2024?

Every New Year starts with lots of aspirations, wishes, hopes, and expectations.

Many of us are waiting for the New Year 2024 to start with the journey of our weight loss. After all, a perfect body makes us feel confident and longevity.

You might have heard about several diet plans but to find out the perfect plan for your weight loss is not an easy task. We all have different and unique body types and their needs are different from one another.

You should know before opting for any program that every plan has pros as well as some cons.

Let’s dive into detail about some of the most well-known diet plans or check Whether they are capable of fulfilling your New Year resolution 2024?

Best diet plan


Keto diet Plan

Keto diet or ketogenic diet is all about reducing the intake of carbohydrates and replacing it with fat. In simple words, it includes foods that are low in carbs and high in fats and protein. The Keto diet is similar to the Atkins diet. It doesn’t only reduce weight but is also beneficial in minimizing blood sugar and insulin levels.

By following the above food pattern, The stored fats are used as body fuel. In this process, the body moves into the state of ketosis and gets the energy from ketones that are produced from the stored fats.

However, Professionals have not suggested this diet for those looking for a diet that boosts overall health. The Drastic reduction in carbs level breaks down the muscle and tissue. It also lacks the several essential nutrients that come from whole grains and vegetables.


Atkins Diet

When it comes to weight loss, the Atkins Diet is always recommended. It also includes a significant reduction of starchy and sugary carbs and a high-fat & protein diet like ketogenic. It focuses more on net carbs rather than total carbs. It follows the idea that the body will burn fat and not sugar for energy.

This diet was initiated by Robert C Atkins, the Cardiologist in 1972 and received worldwide popularity in the 2000s. This diet plan has two versions, Atkins 20 and Atkins 40.

In the first phase of Atkins 20, you are allowed to take only 20 grams of carbs from veggies. Atkins 20 has a total of four phases and the restrictions on carbs get easier as you move forward.

Atkins 40 is a newer version and its rules are quite flexible than Atkins 20. It allows you to add 40 grams of carbs initially to your diet. Atkins diets usually have pre-packed foods in their plan and you are not required to make it on your own if you want to go with this diet.

Although both Atkins and keto diets are well-known low carbohydrate diets for weight loss there are certain differences between the two.

The Keto diet is more rigid than the Atkins Diet. In the keto diet, you are required to eliminate  carbs wholly throughout the plan. In Atkins, the restriction on carbs is relaxed as you move forward with the plans. Atkins keeps on adding a variety of foods through stages. The second difference between the two is Protein intake. In keto, 20% of calories can be taken from Protein while Atkins allows 30% of Calorie from Protein.

The side effects of the Atkins diet are vitamins and nutritional deficiencies. It may cause disordered eating and it’s not proven a successful long-term plan. Also if you have kidney-related issues, it may worsen it.

Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet is also called the Stone Age Diet, Bacon Diet or Caveman Diet. It emphasises on the Fruits, Vegetables and Proteins. The idea behind the name is that we should eat like hunter-gatherers of the Palaeolithic era. The foods in this diet are restricted to the items that once could be hunted.

In General, its food habits include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, fish and walnut oil and avoid grains, legumes, Processed foods,  starchy vegetables and added salt.

Other than weight loss, it manages cholesterol, blood pressure and Triglycerides.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietician’s Spokesperson Heather Mangieri said that this diet has lots of good things going for it.

However, the diet may result in a deficiency of Calcium and vitamin D that can lead to bone fracture and osteoporosis. It can also cause kidney stones, heart disease and constipation.

Mediterranean Diet

As its name suggests, this type of food plan was followed in the Mediterranean Region. The Mediterranean Diet focuses more on plant-based foods and heart-healthy fats. It mostly includes veggies, legumes, fruits, nuts, olive oil, fish, poultry and whole grains and excludes ultra-processed foods, butter and red meat.

This Diet proved as one of the most successful in improving overall health. The diet is best for eliminating cardiovascular and various other chronic diseases other than weight loss. Unlike other diet plans, it doesn’t bother much about restrictions but rather emphasises more on finding a healthier option.

Even Doctors always recommend this plan for living a healthy and longer life. The diet plan has no concrete or hard and fast rule, you are required to incorporate the above-mentioned food items into your daily routine.

Fasting diets or Intermittent Fasting

A Registered Dietitian and nutritionist, Mary Sabat said in an interview that fasting diets are not a magic solution however, it may prove worth it if we follow balanced diets and regular physical exercise. The results of the diet may be different among different people.

The plan focuses more on when to eat. The eating schedule is set in this plan and there is a shift between eating and fasting. Mark Mattson, a Neuroscientist has studied a fasting diet for several years and stated that our bodies are capable of going without food for many hours. This plan has various benefits such as improved overall health and longer life.

also read :

Does your Nutritionist Suggest you keto Diet?

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