Empowering Women and Businesses: Liesa Euton’s Vision and Mission

Journey of Liesa Euton’s: Early Life, Education, and Personal Background

American-born and educated in NYC, Dutch, and French Antilles (Caribbean) Liesa has served in her career in both the Public and Private sectors with 23 years in the Hospitality business. She has a degree in psychology as well as Hospitality Management. She started as general manager at The Sea Palace Resort where she remained for 17 years; during her tenure, she served as President of the St. Maarten has been involved with the Hospitality and Trade Association for 4 years and has served on the Board of Directors for 17 years. During her time as President of the Timeshare Association, she played a key role in helping to establish Timeshare Law. Over her 20 years in St. Maarten, she has served on 29 Boards of Directors, participated in Parliamentary elections, and worked with SESNA (to approve soft loans for the EU during her time in Parliament and on the Constitutional Committee). She ran for Senate in the 1998 Parliamentary Federal Island Elections. She hosted “The People’s Voice” Radio Talk show 15 years ago on PJD2 Radio FM. She co-hosted 4 years TV culinary program “Best Bites of the Caribbean”. She also taught at the St. Maarten Culinary School and later went on to open the award-winning “Los Gauchos” Fine Dining Argentinian Restaurant and The Bistro International Grill. She successfully ran these establishments for eight years before relocating to Dubai in 2009. She currently continues to serve as a Rotarian in Rotary Club Jumeriah Dubai and has been a Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow for 27 years serving as a Board member and President for 23 years. In Dubai, she held several key positions with the UAE Athletics Federation, including International Relations Director, VIP/Protocol Director, and Campaign Strategist. She also co-founded and served as the Race Director for the Dubai Women’s Run from 2010 to 2018. Now, Liesa Euton focuses on her role as the Director for the MENA region at EHP International, where she offers tailored training and leadership development to businesses across different industries. She participates in events and conferences as a keynote speaker and moderator as well as mentoring clients to transform their lives by changing their mindset and mentoring women about financial technology. Liesa wants every woman to be financially independent.

Empowering Teams Through Tailored Training Solutions

Our Vision

To design, develop, and deliver customized training solutions to enhance competitive advantage for our clients in the key areas of customer service, sales & sales management, marketing, supervisory, management, and personal skill development. We’re dedicated to helping you nurture your most valuable asset: your people!

Our Mission

EHP keeps its promises and works with you to ensure you get value and a good return on your investment in training and related activities. Our team of training consultants offer specialized expertise and experience from various industries. Our goal is to focus the effort on your needs as the central point of activities and to derive effective solutions to meet your training needs. Our goal with every project is simple: to elevate the skill levels of your team.

2024 a Year of Explosive Growth: Expanding Our Legacy Across Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa

Overall, yes and we are grateful, For the past 30 years we have worked in the Asian Region as the founder Raj Sajnani is based in Hong Kong, and we have expanded to the Caribbean and African regions as well.

Standing Out in a Competitive Market: How EHP International Ltd. Uses Innovation and Feedback to Lead –

At EHP International Ltd., we’re committed to offering tailored training solutions that help businesses stay ahead of the competition. In today’s global market, it’s vital to know your audience and adjust your services to meet their specific needs. Innovation and quality assurance are key to staying ahead of competitors and building a strong reputation. At EHP International Ltd., customer feedback is crucial. Customer feedback gives us crucial insights into what’s working well and what needs to be improved. It helps us identify issues and make the necessary changes to better meet your expectations. We actively seek feedback through surveys and continuously listen to all comments—positive or negative—to stay ahead of the competition.

Building Unity: The Crucial Role of Teamwork in Achieving Organizational Success –

Even if you have a group of really talented people, without good teamwork, productivity and the quality of work will probably take a hit. Likewise, without effective teams, companies will struggle to keep pace with competitors who do have effective teams.

Build diverse and inclusive teams

First and foremost, we must focus on creating diverse teams rather than teams of like-minded people. A group of people with different backgrounds are more likely to bring diverse perspectives and ideas to the table. With more perspectives comes more thorough decision-making. We often tend to want to surround ourselves with people who think and act in ways that reflect our thoughts and actions.

When everyone on a team thinks alike and shares the same background, the work they produce can end up being one-sided and less creative. But if team members have different opinions, beliefs, and backgrounds, their work is likely to be more creative and innovative.

Clearly define roles and responsibilities for every team member

When team members are unsure of their tasks and responsibilities, it often creates tension within a team. Each team member needs to clearly understand their responsibilities to avoid any overlap in projects. When tasks aren’t clearly assigned, and multiple people work on the same thing, it wastes valuable time and effort. Everyone should have responsibility for reaching the team goals as well as the tools and mutual support to obtain good results. Clearly setting goals for each team member helps everyone stay focused on their tasks and responsibilities.

Give teams autonomy in decision-making

Trusting your team members to make their own decisions is important in building trust and improving teamwork. Oftentimes, if people don’t have the autonomy and power to make decisions regarding their work, they will begin to resent their work, thus hindering the work of the entire team. To keep your team motivated and driven, it’s crucial to give everyone the freedom to make their own choices.

 Manage team meetings wisely

Team meetings, however, often they happen, should be used to plan, brainstorm, reflect, and share ideas. It’s important to keep team meetings focused and useful, to drive productivity. Regardless of how frequently teams meet, it’s important to have a clear plan for each meeting. Keeping meetings organized and focused will boost team performance. Use this time for collaboration, brainstorming, and planning the next steps for your projects. 

women Management training
women Management training

Achieving Work-Life Balance: Strategies for Business Owners to Manage Time and Well-being

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a business owner involves strategic planning and disciplined boundary-setting. Establishing clear work hours is crucial; define your workday and stick to it as closely as possible to create a sense of routine. Implementing tools like project management software can help streamline tasks and increase efficiency, allowing you to complete work within designated hours. Additionally, setting aside specific times for personal activities ensures that work does not encroach on personal time, fostering a healthier separation between work and home life.

Delegation and team management play significant roles in achieving balance. By entrusting tasks to capable team members, you can reduce your workload and focus on high-priority responsibilities. Regularly reviewing and optimizing workflows can also help in identifying areas where you can delegate or automate processes. This approach not only enhances productivity but also prevents you from becoming bogged down in every detail of the business, thus preserving time for personal interests and relaxation.

Self-care and family time are essential components of a balanced life. Make a conscious effort to engage in activities that rejuvenate you, such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Scheduling regular breaks and taking vacations can provide a necessary respite from the demands of running a business. It’s also important to regularly assess your work-life balance and adjust as needed, ensuring that both your professional and personal lives are fulfilling and sustainable. By maintaining these practices, you create a more harmonious and rewarding lifestyle.

Essential Tips for Start-ups: Navigating the Path to Success in a Competitive Industry

For start-ups entering the same industry here are some EHP tailored tips that can be particularly relevant:

Differentiate Your Offering: In a competitive market, it’s crucial to clearly differentiate your product or service from “Discover what makes you unique and highlight what sets you apart.” Whether it’s through innovative features, superior customer service, or a distinct brand identity, ensure that your offering stands out in the minds of your target audience.

Leverage Industry Trends: Stay informed about the latest trends and technological advancements in your industry. Adapting to emerging trends can give you a competitive edge and keep your business relevant. Consider how these trends can be integrated into your strategy to meet evolving customer expectations and enhance your market position.


Build Strong Relationships: Networking within the industry is vital. Establish connections with other professionals, suppliers, and potential partners. These relationships can provide valuable insights, opportunities for collaboration, and access to resources. Building a supportive network can also help you navigate challenges and share best practices.

Focus on Customer Feedback: Actively seek and listen to feedback from your customers. Understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points can help you refine your product or service and improve the customer experience. Use this feedback to make data-driven decisions and continuously enhance your offering.

Maintain Agility: The start-up landscape is dynamic and often unpredictable. Be prepared to adapt quickly to changes in market conditions or customer demands. Flexibility and responsiveness are key to staying ahead of competitors and seizing new opportunities as they arise.

Optimize Your Operations: Efficient operations can significantly impact your success. Streamline your processes, reduce overhead costs, and utilize technology to enhance productivity. By optimizing your operations, you can better manage resources and deliver greater value to your customers.

Focus on Branding and Marketing: Invest in building a strong brand and executing effective marketing strategies. A compelling brand story and targeted marketing efforts can help attract and retain customers. Utilize various channels, including social media, content marketing, and digital advertising, to increase your visibility and reach.

collaborate and Learn: Don’t hesitate to collaborate with other businesses in your industry, even if they are competitors. Joint ventures, partnerships, or knowledge-sharing can provide mutual benefits and accelerate growth. Learning from others’ experiences and sharing your own can foster a collaborative spirit that drives innovation.

By applying these strategies start-ups in the same business can create a competitive advantage, enhance their market presence, and contribute to a thriving industry ecosystem.


Liesa Euton’s impressive career spans from the Caribbean to Dubai, showcasing her expertise in hospitality, leadership, and training. Her role with EHP International focuses on delivering customized training solutions to enhance business performance across various sectors. EHP International’s commitment to innovation, effective teamwork, and client feedback drives their success as they expand globally. For start-ups, EHP’s tips on differentiation, agility, and customer focus provide a solid foundation for thriving in a competitive market.

Connect With Liesa on Linkedin and EHP International

NEXT INTERVIEW:  Roberto Pelliccia

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