Mostafa Saber Journey To BIM | Experience & Design Management

Today we interviewed Mostafa Saber, who believes in teaching others. He started as a design architect with a passion for using computers in architectural design and visualization. His journey to BIM was full of fun and struggle. Mostafa believes that teaching has also been an invaluable opportunity for growth. His strategy for fostering good teamwork and collaboration revolves around three key pillars: team members, technology tools, and content creation. In this blog, we got to learn a lot from his journey and achievements.

Can you provide a brief overview of your professional background in BIM and design, highlighting your experience as a BIM & Design Manager and your role as a certified Autodesk instructor?

I started as a design architect with a passion for using computers in architectural design and visualization. Over time, I transitioned into design management and developed a keen interest in BIM-related software, specifically Autodesk Revit. Becoming an Autodesk Certified Instructor was driven by my desire to share knowledge and help others learn. Through practical experience, ongoing learning, and formal education in architecture and design, I have built a strong skill set in BIM and architectural design.

What motivated you to pursue a career in BIM and design management? How did you develop your skills in this field, and how do you continue to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements?

My motivation to pursue a career in BIM and design management has been a gradual process, starting from my early fascination with building blocks, then evolving through my passion for freehand drawing, and finally when I first encountered a personal computer. I always believed that harnessing the power of computers could greatly enhance and expedite my work. When I was introduced to CAD during my time in the College of Architecture, I saw the potential for improvement, and that same excitement carried over to BIM. I stay updated with the latest trends and advancements by attending conferences and participating in professional development programs.

Could you explain the importance of BIM in the construction industry today? How does it contribute to the overall success of a project?

Design is a crucial planning process for any project, and BIM serves as a valuable tool to enhance this process. It provides insights and helps us make informed decisions, leading to better results. Steve Jobs once said, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” BIM allows us to go beyond aesthetics and focus on functionality, optimizing efficiency, minimizing errors, and ensuring successful project outcomes. By utilizing BIM and design principals effectively, we streamline construction, improve collaboration, manage costs and schedules, and deliver high-quality built environments.

As a BIM & Design Manager, what is your primary mission and vision when it comes to integrating BIM into construction projects?

As a BIM & Design Manager, my primary mission is to ensure seamless collaboration among diverse design teams and specialized consultants. By establishing a unified source of truth, I aim to facilitate the efficient flow of information between all stakeholders involved. My vision revolves around harmonizing the design and construction processes, with the ultimate goal of minimizing errors, changes, and misunderstandings in the exchange of critical project data. Through effective coordination and leveraging BIM technology, we can centralize information, enhance communication, and mitigate potential conflicts.

What are some of the significant achievements you have recently accomplished? Can you share any notable projects or initiatives you have been involved in?

I have been fortunate to collaborate with major developers like RAK Properties, Al-Futtaim Real Estate & EMAAR on several projects, where I successfully integrated building components, services, and other specialized design models with infrastructure services during the design stage. One notable project I am currently working on is with Diamond Developers, which I personally admire for its commitment to accelerating sustainability goals in the UAE. It is not only visually appealing but also contributes to creating a more sustainable future. The project name is The Sustainable City in Yas Island, and it comes as a result of collaboration between Aldar and Diamond Developers, both are known for their successful contributions creating remarkable communities and destinations.

In your experience, how does the implementation of BIM give a competitive advantage to organizations in the construction industry? What are some key benefits and outcomes that can be achieved?

For me, the greatest measure of success lies in creating destinations that we and future generations can genuinely enjoy. By leveraging BIM and design expertise, I strive to contribute to the success of projects like this one “The Sustainable City Yas Island”, where aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability intersect to deliver exceptional outcomes. Implementing BIM in the design and construction process offers numerous advantages. It brings clarity and enhances understanding of design intent, leaving minimal room for errors and mistakes.

The improved collaboration and coordination among different teams result in more cohesive and efficient designs. Additionally, the availability of accurate and up-to-date information empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions swiftly. However, it’s important to emphasize that the success of implementing BIM is subject to a collective effort. It cannot be treated as a detached or isolated practice. It requires the active involvement and collaboration of all team members, fostering a culture of teamwork and shared responsibility to reap the full benefits of BIM and design integration.

What strategies or initiatives do you implement to foster good teamwork and collaboration among team members working on construction projects?

My strategy for fostering good teamwork and collaboration revolves around three key pillars: team members, technology tools, and content creation. It is crucial to ensure that my contributions are relevant to the specific project at hand. Effective communication with stakeholders, once identified, plays a vital role in the successful implementation of strategies.

understanding the unique needs and circumstances of each project is essential in selecting the appropriate approach. Working closely with the project team, I encourage the implementation of proposed solutions and actively seek their input and feedback. Training sessions and workshops serve as valuable platforms for open discussions, mutual learning, and finding the best approaches for each situation.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for professionals in any field. Could you share some tips or strategies you follow to ensure a healthy work-life balance as a professional?

To begin, my work takes the majority of my day as most. Thinking of the ongoing projects, and trying to find the best approach in each situation is sometimes exhausting, but mostly fun. I enjoy working closely with the project team and professional consultants.

In addition to these collaborative efforts, I allocate personal time to create training videos that I share on social media and my website, This initiative aims to benefit other professionals by providing valuable insights and knowledge in the field. I prioritize maintaining a healthy balance between my work and personal life. I firmly believe that a harmonious balance between work and personal life is mutually beneficial. To achieve this, I follow a routine that prioritizes stability over unforeseen circumstances.

In the mornings, I allocate time for physical exercise, which helps me recharge and energize for the workday ahead. After work, I make it a point to dedicate a few hours exclusively to spending quality time with my family. This allows me to nurture my personal relationships and create a healthy separation between my professional and personal life. During the weekends, I aim at a balance between personal development and family time. I engage in activities that enhance my skills and knowledge, such as attending workshops or engaging in self-study. Simultaneously, I reserve ample time to relax and enjoy meaningful moments with my loved ones.

What advice would you give to professionals in the construction industry who want to enhance their skills in BIM and design? Are there any key resources, training programs, or certifications that you recommend?

When it comes to enhancing skills in BIM and design, my advice is to focus on your own preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. While knowledge is readily available in various forms, it’s important to navigate through the abundance of information and avoid distractions that may come with it.

One approach that has worked well for me is to make the most of in-between moments and pockets of time in my daily routine. Whether it’s early mornings, commuting time, or any other available gaps, find the right medium to study and allocate that time for personal and professional progress. Utilize these moments effectively and consistently, and you will gradually make progress toward your goals. It’s essential to stay determined and committed to your learning journey. By consistently dedicating time and effort to acquiring knowledge and improving your skills, you will steadily move closer to achieving your objectives. Everyone’s journey is unique, so tailor your approach to align with your life routine and learning style.

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