Tarun’s Journey to Becoming Malaysia’s Leading Automation and AI Expert and Founder & CTO of Abundent


In my opinion, technology can solve complex problems in a very effective way. My journey began with a strong foundation in IT and banking, where I managed multi-million-dollar projects. The shift toward automation and AI felt like a natural progression, given the potential these technologies have to transform industries. Founding Abundent allowed me to focus on leveraging AI and automation to solve real-world problems in education and beyond. Over time, my vision has evolved from purely implementing technology to creating sustainable, ethical solutions that drive societal progress.

Inspiration to Enter the Field of Automation and AI & Evolving Vision-

The idea that machines could assist with repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on creativity and strategic thinking, inspired me to enter this field. AI’s ability to optimize processes and revolutionize industries has always intrigued me. My vision has evolved from exploring possibilities to executing scalable and impactful AI-driven solutions, especially in education technology (EdTech).

A Successful AI or Automation Project at Abundent-

One standout project at Abundent has been the development of our Training Management System (TMS) for live trainings. This platform enables educational providers to manage their live trainings with full automation and GenAI capabilities. It streamlines everything from scheduling and enrollment to real-time feedback and personalized learning paths. By automating administrative tasks and enhancing the learning experience with AI-driven insights, we’ve significantly improved both the operational efficiency of training providers and the engagement of learners.


Impact of Being Featured in Bernama, RTM, and CIO Magazine-

Being featured in Bernama, RTM, and CIO Magazine has greatly increased my visibility and credibility in the industry. It’s opened doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and helped me share my passion for AI and automation on a larger platform. These features also gave me a voice to advocate for the responsible and impactful use of AI.

Significant Trends Shaping the Future of AI and Automation- 

I see two major trends shaping AI’s future. First, AI’s growing role in decision-making across industries, from healthcare to finance. Second, The shift towards explainable AI, where transparency and trust in AI systems become crucial. There’s also an increasing focus on AI ethics and sustainability, which will define its long-term success.

Strategies to Foster Innovation and Creativity at Abundent-

At Abundent, I foster a culture of experimentation. We encourage the team to think outside the box and explore new technologies and ideas. Continuous learning and open collaboration are key. We also prioritize cross-functional teams, bringing diverse perspectives to the table.

Challenges and Opportunities of Implementing AI Solutions in Malaysia-


One challenge is the lack of data infrastructure and awareness about AI’s potential. However, the opportunity lies in Malaysia’s growing tech ecosystem and government support for innovation. I’ve seen firsthand how sectors like education, finance, and healthcare can be transformed through AI when the right tools and policies are in place.

Role of EdTech in My Overall Business Strategy- 

EdTech plays a significant role in my business strategy. At Abundent, we focus on providing developer-focused courses, using AI-driven platforms to enhance learning experiences. Our goal is to upskill professionals and empower organizations with the right digital skills to thrive in today’s world.

Ensuring Ethical Considerations in AI and Automation Projects-

We prioritize ethics in every project by adhering to strict guidelines on data privacy, transparency, and fairness. AI systems must not only be effective but also trustworthy. We regularly audit our algorithms to ensure they don’t perpetuate bias and always keep human oversight in the loop.

 Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Tech Leaders in Malaysia-  

Stay curious, embrace failure, and always focus on solving real problems. The tech landscape is fast-moving, and resilience is key. Surround yourself with the right mentors, invest in continuous learning, and always look for ways to integrate new technologies like AI into your business to stay ahead.

Follow: Tarun on Linkedin and the Website Abundent

Also Read:  From strategy to service – unpacking success in hospitality operations – A conversation with an industry leader.

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